The Employment Standards Act, 2000 (ESA) provides the minimum standards for most employees working in Ontario. It sets out the rights and responsibilities of employees and employers in most Ontario workplaces.
The Occupational Health & Safety Act, 1990 (OHSA) provides legal framework to protect workers from hazardous work - additionally highlights rights for workers in the workplace. This act highlights refusal from unsafe work.
The constitution describes the terms on which the Union is run as well as members’ rights and responsibilities. It defines the Union’s structure and spells out how leaders are elected and how locals work.
A pension is a type of retirement plan that provides financial support to individuals after they have retired from their employment or reached a certain age. It is a regular payment made by the employer and the employee throughout their career. When individuals retire, they receive pension payments often based on the employee's years of service and their salary during their working years.
Read the latest information about CAAT Pension Plan for current and retired members.
205 Humber College Boulevard, Etobicoke, Ontario M9W 5L7, Canada
North Campus, Room D151 (416) 675-6622 ext 3242
Local 563 represents FT and PT Support Staff at Humber College, Toronto, ON
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